Monday 6 June 2011

Introducing A Water-Cooled PC!

A guy named Peter in The Netherlands has built what might be the ultimate desk machine. To overcome heating problem, he developed a water-cooled computer into a desk. The project, entitled L3p D3sk - Silent Workstation, began in November last year.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Touchscreen Keyboard!

Are you tired of using traditional keyboards and want keyboards with flat surfaces just like in Star Trek. Here is the solution Japan's Minebea has announced that the utterly gorgeous concept COOL LEAF touch panel keyboard is to be released next month.

Paper Smartphone!

Queen’s University’s Human Media Lab and Arizona State University’s Motivational Environments Research Group have created a paper smartphone – called, ingeniously, PaperPhone – with all the functionality as the bulkier versions in our pockets.

Monday 25 April 2011

Fruit & Vegetable Sculpture!

Russian artist Dimitri Tsykalov uses fruits to curve out impressive and creepy looking skulls.

Saturday 23 April 2011

No more Typing Mistake!

Many of us during typing make a lot of mistakes and to check and correct the mistakes we have to look again all the text.

Talk to your DOG .. Express LOVE!

Motz Tiny Wooden Pet Speaker is a cute little puppy speaker, and this little speaker can produce rich sounds with utmost clarity.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Images of Japan before & after Earthquake!

In Japan over 10,000 are feared dead after a massive earthquake and a tsunami swept the northeastern coast. As nuclear explosions continue to rock the earthquake-stricken country, the magnitude of the devastation and flooding is extensive.